Ransomware, Phishing and other Malware

What are the questions business owners ask when considering cyber security?

I wrote a post recently about what SMEs care about regarding Cyber Security v the continued FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt), which many sales pitches tend to rely on, which helps foster the view that it’s all a little hyped up and not as serious as it advertised.  Well, I hope my post did a little to dispel this and show that there really is an issue out there that needs to be addressed by all businesses, not just the corporate big boys.  Let’s leave the stats and hype behind and concentrate on what SMEs need to be thinking about.

What is the cost of ignoring cyber security?

Perhaps this is the first question that they should be asking.  The financial hit of a data breach can be crippling, especially for the smaller businesses who are perhaps running on tight margins and for whom cash flow is often critical.  The average clean up for a smallish business is about £27K. this relates to system restoration, hardware replacement, and the implementation of enhanced security measures. and doesn’t include financial loss from the actual data stolen, or whatever scam was perpetrated, and any fall out from compliance failures, such as fines from the ICO.  And at least a third of organisations admit to losing customers post a data breach, highlighting reputational damage and a loss of customer trust. 

If you take all that into account, you should be able to work out what the potential cost might be for you.

So, what questions should owners, managers and board members be asking?

I think many get bogged down in the technicalities of IT and don’t consider it in business terms.  They don’t think about the business impact of cyber security, about what it is they’re trying to protect.  It’s not your IT systems, it’s your data that is the crown jewels.  IT systems can be replaced, that’s what your insurance is about, but once the data is stolen, then you are in very real trouble.

Risk Management

Talking of insurance, that’s perhaps how you should be viewing Cyber Security solutions.  Don’t think tech, think protecting the business.  First and foremost, the board members need to ask themselves if they have a good handle on their cyber risk.  Have they identified their cyber assets?  What is a cyber asset? Cyber assets are not just hardware and software, in fact those are the least of your worries.  It’s the data, where it is and how it’s protected that is important.  Have you assessed the risk to those assets?  Have you assessed the training requirements for your staff, not just the techies but all staff?  Think People, Process and then Technology.

Once you have done this, then you can consider what controls need to be put in place to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

Below is some of the controls you will need to consider.  This list is not exhaustive

1.        User Access Control (Admin access is a whole other discussion)


This isn’t just about passwords.  Yes, they remain important but on their own, they are no longer sufficient.   Nonetheless weak passwords, password re-use and password sharing remain one of the leading root causes of a data breach.  123456 and, believe it or not, password, remain the most used passwords across the world! 

It is imperative that you have a strong password policy, dictating not just the length of the password, but also its construction, ensuring that there is a good mix of upper and lower case characters, numbers and symbols, that together make things very difficult for password crackers.

On their own though passwords remain a potential weak spot.  Multi factor authentication (MFA), sometimes referred to as 2FA, provides that extra layer of defence and can help to protect against brute-force attacks, phishing scams, key-logging and social engineering.  MFA can be simply implemented on most email platforms and within various apps you are using.  For those of you trying for Cyber Essentials or ISO 27K series, MFA is mandatory, so make sure it’s put in place.  

2.        Are you backing up your files? 

This seems an obvious thing to do but you’d be surprised how often when trying to restore from a backup, it fails.  This is often because the backup routine was set up back in the mists of time and has never been reviewed and even more dangerous, it’s never been tested to see if it works.  Set up your backup regime, have it reviewed regularly and tested regularly to make sure it works.  If you are backing up online, keep in mind that if a cyber-criminal gets access to your systems to, for example, carry out a ransomware attack, then they can probably get at your back up as well.  So, belt and braces, consider having an offline backup as well as an online backup.  The latter is more convenient but is vulnerable.

3.        Do you train your staff in cyber awareness? 

My favourite subject – cyber awareness training.  Your first line of defence is your staff, but if not trained adequately, they can be your biggest weakness.  It’s known in the trade as the insider threat, but it is caused mainly by human error, staff members doing something they shouldn’t, not maliciously but simply because they didn’t know they shouldn’t.  It accounts for 88% of data breaches. Providing your people with training on the threats, current scams and basic cyber awareness reduces the chance of a cyber-attack. This really is the easiest and cheapest quick win any organisation can take in reducing their risk exposure.

4.        Do your employees regularly travel or work remotely? 

This brings us neatly to what Microsoft coined as the New Normal.  Essentially this means remote working shared with in office working, known as the hybrid working model, or for some, moving to a totally remote working system.  Totally remote is not as common as hybrid working but is becoming more normal with certain size businesses in certain commercial verticals.  It’ll never work for everyone, but for those who have embraced it, it saves a considerable amount of expense.  It does however require us to rethink our cyber strategy.

Work-from-home employees are at much greater risk than those in offices. Since home connections are less secure, cybercriminals have an easier entry into the company network.  Furthermore, the explosion of various online tools, solutions, and services for collaboration and productivity tend to have the bare minimum of security default setting, and updates from third-party vendors can change security preferences and be easily overlooked.

Phishing becomes an even greater threat to home workers, often because, in an office environment, they have access to colleagues and managers, who they can approach for advice and guidance.  This is much harder to replicate with remote workers, especially those who may not be particularly tech savvy and who may not wish to become ‘burdensome’ to their co-workers.

Ransomware also enjoys an advantage in the work-from-home model.  If their connection to the company is blocked, it is more difficult for workers to get assistance from the right experts and authorities.  And since trust levels are lower when working from home, some workers will be concerned that they have “done something wrong” and so may be more reluctant to seek help. While this risk can be addressed by increased training, as well as messaging that vigilance and involving IT support will be rewarded, it can still be an uphill battle.

We need to break out of the old ‘bastion’ security model of a network protected by firewalls and other technologies and think about solutions that are designed to protect your assets regardless of where your employees work from.  They exist and aren’t hard to find.


5.        Where is all your data stored and who has access to it? 

Data tends to proliferate, especially when working remotely.  Cyber awareness training helps here, but it also helps for management to have a handle on data storage.  All organisations have this problem, but it becomes more acute for those businesses that hold large amounts of what is known as Personal Identifiable Information or PII.  This is information that can identify a living individual and compromise their privacy in some way.  Financial advisors, estate agents, solicitors etc, all share this issue.  The data protection act, becoming referred to as UK GDPR, is not a suggestion, it is law.

One of the biggest issues we find with organisations of all sizes, is that they think they know where all their data is but get quite a surprise when they discover multiple instances of the same data set.  This has become a real issue in that the new normal tempts users when working remotely, with possibly less than robust broadband, to copy data from cloud storage to their PC or laptop to ensure they can keep working on it.  Then they upload it again when they’ve finished but forget to delete their copy.  That’s just one instance but it is vital to understand where all this data is.  What if for instance, you get what is known as a subject access request, where a client or other member of the public wants to know exactly what personal data you have on them, and why.  I spoke to a financial advisor not long ago who told me that it took one of their partners off the road for 3 weeks, to discover where all the data was kept on just one person.  But under the law, they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

There are several systems on the market which will help with this but what most need now is a system that works regardless of the location of the user and continues providing that cover when the user moves from one location to another.  This is just a suggestion, but we’d be delighted to demo it to anyone who is interested.  https://hah2.co.uk/gdpr-data-protection/

6.        Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Business Continuity refers to the proactive strategies and plans put in place to ensure that essential business functions can continue in the event of a disruption or disaster. This could include natural disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages, or any other event that could disrupt normal business operations. Business Continuity planning typically involves identifying critical business processes, implementing redundant systems and processes, and developing communication plans to ensure that the organisation can continue to operate smoothly in the face of adversity.

Disaster Recovery, on the other hand, is focused specifically on restoring IT infrastructure and data after a disaster has occurred. This could involve recovering lost data, restoring systems and networks, and ensuring that IT operations can resume as quickly as possible. Disaster Recovery planning typically involves creating backup systems, implementing data recovery procedures, and testing these plans regularly to ensure they are effective. 

Both are critical components of a comprehensive risk management strategy and should be integrated into an organisation’s overall resilience planning efforts.

Just like backups, which are a crucial part of Disaster Recovery, these plans can become very quickly out of date and useless, unless reviewed periodically and tested to see if they work.

7.        Vulnerabilities and Threats 

A vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in an asset’s design, implementation, or operation and management that could be exploited by a threat. A threat is a potential for a cybercriminal to exploit a vulnerability.  A simple way to explain this is that a vulnerability is the inability to resist a hazard or to respond when a disaster has occurred. For instance, people who live on plains are more vulnerable to floods than people who live higher up.  The threat is the flood itself.

IT risks and vulnerabilities are the potential threats and weaknesses that can affect the performance, security and reliability of your business function and processes. They can have serious consequences for your business goals, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage.

Identifying vulnerabilities to your cyber security assets and then identifying the threat to those assets in terms of the vulnerability being exploited, informs your risk and enables you to assign a value to it.  Financial value can be assigned to the risk score if you so wish.  You then apply controls to bring the risk down to an acceptable level, starting with the Very High risks, and then bringing them down to whatever is acceptable to you.  That acceptable level, known as the risk appetite, will vary business to business, risk to risk.

8. Supply Chain Security? 

In short, a supply chain attack is a cyber-attack that seeks to damage an organisation by targeting less-secure elements in the supply chain.

An example of such an attack was published by NCSC and points out that many modern businesses outsource their data to third party companies which aggregate, store, process, and broker the information, sometimes on behalf of clients in direct competition with one another.

Such sensitive data is not necessarily just about customers, but could also cover business structure, financial health, strategy, and exposure to risk. In the past, firms dealing with high profile mergers and acquisitions have been targeted. In September 2013, several networks belonging to large data aggregators were reported as having been compromised.

A small botnet was observed exfiltrating information from the internal systems of numerous data stores, through an encrypted channel, to a botnet controller on the public Internet. The highest profile victim was a data aggregator that licenses information on businesses and corporations for use in credit decisions, business-to-business marketing, and supply chain management. While the attackers may have been after consumer and business data, fraud experts suggested that information on consumer and business habits and practices was the most valuable.

The victim was a credit bureau for numerous businesses, providing “knowledge-based authentication” for financial transaction requests. This supply chain compromise enabled attackers to access valuable information stored via a third party and potentially commit large scale fraud.

OK, it was over 10 years ago, but don’t think it won’t happen again.

NCSC also cited what is known as a watering hole attack, which works by identifying a website that’s frequented by users within a targeted organisation, or even an entire sector, such as defence, government, or healthcare. That website is then compromised to enable the distribution of malware.

The attacker identifies weaknesses in the main target’s cyber security, then manipulates the watering hole site to deliver malware that will exploit these weaknesses.

The malware may be delivered and installed without the target realising it (called a ‘drive by’ attack) but given the trust the target is likely to have in the watering hole site, it can also be a file that a user will consciously download without realising what it really contains. Typically, the malware will be a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), enabling the attacker to gain remote access to the target’s system.

If you are in someones supply chain, then you need to make doubly sure that your security protects your customer as well as yourself.  And conversely, if you are connected electronically to someone who supplies you, are you sure that you are protected from any vulnerability they may have.

H2 provides affordable and flexible one-off and ongoing data protection and cyber risk protection services.

To learn more about the services we provide please click here https://www.hah2.co.uk/

Please feel free to give us a call or email.

Alternatively, you can book a slot using our Calendly link, https://bit.ly/3yoT0qi

T: 0800 4947478

M: 07702 019060

E: kevin_hawkins@hah2.co.uk

Trust H2 – Making sure your information is secure

All about H2


All the information below is contained within the website but we thought it might be useful to summarise it in one post to make it easier for people who want to understand what we are all about.

About myself and H2

I like to start any discussion by saying that I’ve been in the cyber security game almost since before it was a game!  I started in Information Security at the MOD at a time when IT and databases were in their infancy and got in on the ground floor.  I subsequently went to work for the NHS, HP/HPE, CSC and Symantec, during which time I led many major cyber security projects in the public and private sectors, designing and commissioning the Security Operations Centre for the FCO, carrying out several projects for the MOD, leading the security team for the new online passport application, as well as several high street banks.

In 2013 I was asked to go to the middle east to set up a Cyber Security team covering the UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, growing the team from 3 people to 24.

On return my business partner and I set up H2 to serve the SME community. Sadly, my business partner did not survive the pandemic, and I am now the sole management of the company.

So why SMEs?  Surely there’s more money in corporate security?

Well yes there is, but SMEs are at the heart of our ethos.  During our time working in the corporate sector, it became clear that there was little to no support given to SMEs, either at the S, or the M end of the scale, and the big security companies and system integrators were content to leave that to their resellers ie those local IT support companies that resold their products.

Here at H2 we understand that the only real difference between an SME and a corporate organisation, in terms of cyber security, is that of scale.  We have therefore scaled our services, the products that support them, and our pricing, to fit with an SMEs issues and

pocket.   We like to say that we offer a triple A service providing solutions that are Appropriate (to you), Affordable and Accreditable (to standards such as Cyber Essentials).

Take a look at our Blog and social media posts.  We try to inform and educate, placing a link between what we know, and what SMEs need to know but are rarely told.

Solutions Provided to SMEs

The first thing that we discovered is that SMEs have a very poor grasp of cyber security issues, although that is changing following the pandemic when many were forced to change their working practices almost overnight and have subsequently embraced a distributed working model.  There is no doubt that the propensity for working from home, or other remote locations, since COVID has introduced some very difficult, or at least challenging, security vulnerabilities into SME networks.  For instance, prior to the pandemic, when they were 100% office based (except perhaps some mobile salespeople), their local IT provider will have almost certainly set up what we called the bastion security model.  Ie, like a castle, a bastion, you had a wall around you, and for belt and braces, you also had a moat.  The gateway was robust, had a drawbridge and portcullis, or let’s call it a secure firewall and anti-malware system.  Everything was locked up inside and nice and secure (in fact it probably wasn’t but that’s for another day).

Whilst Microsoft didn’t invent the term the ‘new normal’, they were the first, I believe, to apply it to IT, following the enforced change in working practices brought about by the pandemic.  Many companies have embraced this new normal and have settled into some form of hybrid working.  Of course, this is nothing new, it’s been ‘a thing’ for years now, certainly in corporate organisations.  The real change came about in SMEs for whom it really was quite revolutionary.  Corporate bodies will have spent a lot of money on a variety of remote access systems to keep their data secure, whilst SMEs not only had to rush unprepared because of the pandemic, but they simply didn’t have the budget to employ more secure connections.

What the pandemic has done is change that, or perhaps arguably, accelerated the change to a more distributed way of working, already underway in corporate organisations but now common amongst SMEs. 

Our first challenge then was that of education.  Changing the mindset of SMEs, moving them away from being simply technology focused, onto a more business oriented cyber

security focus.  Cyber security is a business issue, not a technical issue and that is something that many SMEs fail to grasp.  Any true cyber security professional takes a

risk managed approach, identifying the risks posed to their client, and then applying the principles of People, Process and then Technology, in that order.  That risk managed

approach is equally applicable to all sizes of organisation in all sectors and has not changed since the advent of the internet.

Taking the services we provide as shown clearly on our website (where pricing is shown), www.hah2.co.uk, the first is that of Board Advisory, where we offer advice and guidance to our clients regarding their security.  We often end up providing this advice for free as we are putting forward solutions to solve their issues but there is of course a limit to that.  We also offer a Cyber Maturity Assessment (CMA), which is close to a full risk assessment but tries to keep the costs down to an order that an SME can afford.  The CMA is fully described on the website, and we won’t reprint that here.

Another service we provide is Penetration Testing and Vulnerability assessment.  Pen Testing is a point in time test ie the minute you finish it and have read the report, it’s out of date.  It is however useful to do once a year or when you add a new feature to your systems, or take a new system into use.  We use a fully qualified CREST team who can, if you wish, also carry out attack simulations.

Vulnerability assessments are carried out continuously via agents deployed on the network.  The main difference is that as a Pen Test will find real issues, a vulnerability assessment will find things that you may be vulnerable to, but which haven’t necessarily been exploited and in fact, may not be a real issue once investigated.  They are, however, continuous throughout the year and can be more effective.

We talked earlier about People, Process and then Technology.  Arguably your first line of defence is your people.  They can also be your weakest link.  Data leaks often occur inadvertently, due to a lack of awareness rather than malicious intent. We offer cyber awareness training designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills to safeguard sensitive information.

This training can be delivered in one of 2 ways.  The first is classroom based, either on site or over a remote connection such as Zoom or Google Meet.  The second is online training provided via another of our solutions which will be described below and allows

staff to pick when they will take some time to undertake the training which is delivered in a modular fashion, taking up very limited time which won’t take staff away from their desks to too long.

Another very important service which we provide online, cloud based, using a SaaS solution, is aimed at Data Protection.  Clients with large amounts of sensitive data that they wish to protect, use this solution.  It is essentially a data loss prevention system

that is designed and priced for SMEs, using state of the art file level encryption.  This system comes with a 30-day free trial so that clients can see it for themselves.

Based on Actifile it is tailored to the unique needs of the modern business which often sees its staff work remotely as well as in the office.  It protects the valuable data you hold and reduces your risk, without breaking the bank.  It covers:

  • Insider Threat Detection: Protect your business from internal threats posed by employees
  • Ransomware Protection: Safeguard your data from ransomware attacks that can cripple your operations
  • Data Leakage Prevention (DLP): Prevent confidential information from falling into the wrong hands
  • Data Privacy and Compliance: Ensure you meet GDPR requirements and avoid costly fines
  • Automated Encryption: Protect sensitive data with encryption that’s easy to manage.

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of evolving threats requires a comprehensive approach that adapts to the ever-changing landscape. At H2, we recognise that one-size-fits-all solutions often fall short, which is why we’ve developed a flexible and scalable cybersecurity solution powered by Guardz, to address the needs of our clients.

Our approach is grounded in sound risk management principles, ensuring that our solutions are aligned with your specific cybersecurity requirements. Whether you need one or more of our products woven into a solution, we can tailor that solution to meet your exact needs and budget.

This complements the data protection solution whilst remaining capable of standing alone. Especially devised and priced for SMEs, it maintains our commitment to affordability and accessibility which is reflected in our incredibly competitive price of

£12 per seat, which includes no hidden charges, add-ons, or expensive infrastructure costs. The solution comes with a 14-day trial to give you hands-on experience with our solutions and assess their impact on your business.

This solution comes with a fully loaded Cyber Security Awareness training course, and a Phishing simulation capability.

You should note that we have bundled the 2 managed services together and offer them at a price reduced by £3 per seat per month.

Finally, we offer certification in Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus which provide robust defences, endorsed by UK government to guard against common cyber-attacks. They are required certifications to work with public sector entities, and achieving certification signals a commitment to securing client data.

We now offer different pricing options to our clients.  For Cyber Essentials we offer:

Our Supported Package whereby we guide you during yourself assessment ensuring that you achieve certification first time, can be purchased at a one-off price which we are happy to quote for or a monthly subscription from £61 per month.  

If you are short on time or not too sure what to do, try our Turnkey Package whereby we carry out the assessment for you in total, once again ensuring that you achieve certification first time.  This can also be purchased as a one off at a price which we are happy to quote for or there is a subscription price which starts at £120 per month.

We can offer consultancy around ISO 2700X if it is considered desirable or appropriate.  We can advise on that.


You’ll have to forgive me for a somewhat provocative title and allow me some poetic licence, because in fact, different hacking groups do things differently, although they have much in common.  Personally, I don’t like the term hacker, much preferring cybercriminal, because anyone who accesses a system without the owners’ permission, is by definition, a criminal.  But I suppose hacker is less of a mouthful.

So, what is hacking?  Hacking involves exploiting vulnerabilities in systems, software, or networks to gain unauthorised access or manipulate data using a variety of techniques and methods, which tend to combine technical tactics and social engineering.

One of the first things a hacker, or criminal group, will do, is to profile your organisation and your people.  Favourite open sources of information include:

  • Social media: Information about hobbies, job roles, family, and schedules shared on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.  Do you have a social media policy in your company?  Do you lay down what an employee can and cannot say about your company on their personal social media pages?  Do you have a designated person in the company who handles your company’s profile on social media?
  • Company Website:  You’ll want to give prospective clients contact information of course, but you should not give out individual email addresses and limit profiles published.  I do give my personal profile on my website but don’t give information about any other position, leaving it to a generic phone number and email address.
  • Professional Profiles: LinkedIn is a favourite for targeting businesses, as it provides details about an individual’s role, connections, and organisational structure.
  • Personal Websites or Blogs: These may reveal contact details, interests, or sensitive information inadvertently.  The same issues that appertain to social media apply here. 
  • Data Brokers: Cybercriminals can purchase detailed dossiers on individuals from data aggregator sites.

Another favourite is phishing and pretexting.

  • Phishing Emails: We all know, or at least I hope we know, what phishing is.  Attackers send emails designed to extract more information, such as login credentials, by posing as a trusted entity.  In this context, it could be as simple as the attacker wanting to verify information by perhaps sending an email to a discovered address but wanting to confirm that individuals position in the company.  That just requires a response showing a signature block, so the phishing email might seem very innocuous.
  • Fake Surveys or Job Offers: These can be used to obtain detailed personal or professional data.

There are a variety of reconnaissance tools used by attackers, including open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools, WHOIS lookups and scanning misconfigured systems using commercially available tools such as Nmap and Nessus, which identify open ports, services and weak configurations.  This is why it’s essential to regularly scan your network for these weaknesses.  Ports can be opened for a particular reason and never closed again.  It’s a common fault.

Here at H2 we scan the dark web daily looking for leaked credentials, particularly email credentials.  When we on board a new client we nearly always get hits with sometimes up to 20+ compromised email addresses including passwords.  You might ask why they’d be on the dark web – simple, they are often up for sale on dark web marketplaces.

In terms of cybercrime, who’s heard of psychological profiling?  Cybercriminals analyse:

  • Behavioural Patterns: Regularity in actions, such as times a person is online, financial habits, or common purchases.
  • Weaknesses and Triggers: Examples include a recent job loss, major life changes, or emotional vulnerabilities, which they exploit through spear-phishing or scams.

I’ve often argued on these pages, that your employees are both your first line of defence and your greatest weakness, and that a good cyber awareness programme is worth its weight in gold.  Cybercriminals often focus on employees in specific departments (like HR, finance, or IT).

  • LinkedIn and Organization Charts: Identify individuals with access to sensitive data.
  • Impersonation: Pretending to be a senior executive to trick lower-level employees (e.g., through Business Email Compromise attacks – I’ve written about the CEO scam a lot).
  • Technical Probing: Use of phishing or malware to breach a target’s employer.

In conclusion, what I’ve tried to do here is give you a flavour of what you may be up against, and I hope, I’ve shown you that for all the reasons shown above technology comes last after people and process.  All the tech in the world won’t prevent issues arising from the above and is just one part of an integrated defence in depth required to prevent disaster.

Remote Working and Encryption

This is a subject that I tend to jump on every so often, because it’s one that people just don’t seem to get.  Whether it’s working from home, from a coffee shop, airport, railway station etc, there is this perception that it’s safe because you’re connected via VPN, or perhaps some other form of application which encrypts data in transit.  Well, let’s explore this subject a bit further.

There is no doubt that the propensity for working from home, or other remote locations, since COVID has introduced some very difficult, or at least challenging, security vulnerabilities into your network.  For instance, prior to the pandemic, when you were 100% office based (except perhaps some mobile salespeople), your local IT provider will have almost certainly set up what we called the bastion security model.  Ie, like a castle, a bastion, you had a wall around you, and for belt and braces, you also had a moat.  The gateway was robust, had a drawbridge and portcullis, or let’s call it a secure firewall and anti-malware system.  Everything was locked up inside and nice and secure (in fact it probably wasn’t but that’s for another day).

Whilst Microsoft didn’t invent the term the ‘new normal’, they were the first, I believe, to apply it to IT, following the enforced change in working practices brought about by the pandemic.  Many companies have embraced this new normal and have settled into some form of hybrid working.  Of course, this is nothing new, it’s been ‘a thing’ for years now, certainly regarding corporate organisations.  The real change came about in SMEs for whom it really was quite revolutionary.  Corporate bodies will have spent a lot of money on a variety or remote access systems to keep their data secure, whilst SMEs not only had to rush unprepared because of the pandemic, but they simply didn’t have the budget to employ more secure connections.

What the pandemic has done is change that, or perhaps arguably, accelerated the change to a more distributed way of working, already underway in corporate organisations but now common amongst SMEs.  What does that mean for us?  Firstly, we have to re-think how we are going to work.  We start from a position where we still have preexisting tech, such as VPNs and whole disk encryption, to tackle modern and evolving issues.

So, what about VPNs?  What are they?  A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that creates a secure, encrypted connection between your device and the internet. This private “tunnel” protects your data and hides your IP address, effectively masking your online identity and activity.  It works by allowing you to connect to the internet via an encrypted tunnel to a VPN server, which then forwards your requests to the website or service you’re accessing.  The benefits are that it protects your data from being accessed by hackers or eavesdroppers, especially on public WIFI. It masks your IP address and replaces it with one from the VPN server, so it’s harder for websites, advertisers, or even your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to track your online activity.  It’s particularly useful when working from insecure public WIFI but should also be used when working from home.

VPNs are available as standalone apps and more often now, incorporated into other applications, particularly those used to connect to cloud services.

All good, right?  Well yes, anything that helps secure your data is a good thing.  But like all good things it has some downsides.  A VPN does help protect data in transit over an insecure WIFI connection by encrypting the data you send and receive over the internet. This means that if you’re connected to an insecure WIFI network (like in a coffee shop or airport), the VPN will prevent anyone from intercepting and reading your internet traffic.

However, a VPN does not protect data stored locally on your laptop. Files or personal information saved directly on your hard drive are not protected by the VPN. To secure the data on your laptop, you may want to consider using additional protections such as some sort of full disk encryption (BitLocker for Windows or FileVault for macOS are standard with the operating systems) to protect data at rest.  And you should be using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication.

So, what I’m saying here is that should someone manage to gain access to your end point ie your laptop, desktop, even your phone, then your VPN is not going to protect you. 

Let’s now talk a bit more about Bitlocker and FileVault.  BitLocker, Microsoft’s disk encryption tool, provides robust security when configured properly (but I make the point here that it’s often not only incorrectly configured but isn’t even in use, making it pointless). And, like all encryption systems, its security depends on several factors, including the version of BitLocker, implementation practices, and potential vulnerabilities in the system environment. Bitlocker uses strong encryption, either AES 128 or 256 Bit, both of which are considered secure. 

FileVault is the MacOS equivalent of Bitlocker (roughly) and is considered secure and built into the MacOS and is very easy to switch on.  It too offers full disk encryption using AES 128 or 256 Bit.  Once again though it is often not in use by Mac users, many of whom don’t even know it exists.

Are there any drawbacks to whole disk encryption?  Will it protect me against things like ransomware?  Whole disk encryption is designed to secure data at rest by preventing unauthorised access to data on a physical storage device (e.g., in case the device is lost or stolen).  The problem is that once the machine is booted up, using the correct authentication, the disk is unencrypted, allowing you access to the data.  So, the answer to the specific question re ransomware is that such an attack is typically not mitigated by this kind of encryption because:

  • Ransomware Operates at the OS Level: Once a device is booted up and the encrypted disk is unlocked (usually via user login), ransomware can interact with files just like any other software. Since the operating system has access to the data, the ransomware does as well.
  • Ransomware Encrypts Data Independently: Ransomware generally works by encrypting the contents of individual files or directories (not the entire disk), effectively “locking” them within the already-decrypted environment. BitLocker, or any full disk encryption, won’t stop ransomware from doing this, as it doesn’t interfere with file operations once the system is unlocked.
  • No Version Control or Rollback: Whole disk encryption solutions don’t provide a way to revert to previous file versions or recover from ransomware encryption. This is where regular backups (stored separately from the network) play a critical role in protecting against ransomware.

You’re being careful, you have a VPN, and you have Bitlocker configured on your laptop.  You’re feeling nice and secure and have no issues using the local Coffee Shop or your home WIFI.  Your connection to your cloud service is secure and all your data in transit is encrypted.  Even your email is going via a secure tunnel.  All is good with the world.  Except of course that as soon as you logged on your whole disk encryption is switched off and your data is vulnerable even before you transmit it.  Any data you download to work on likewise becomes vulnerable as soon as it lands on your laptop.

Earlier I argued that VPNs were old tech being used to combat modern threats and a different way of working.  Does that mean that I think the VPN is no longer useful and is going out of style.  No of course not, VPNs have a very real place in our security architectures and that won’t go away anytime soon.  But they, like the vulnerabilities they are trying to mitigate, have to evolve and keep pace with present day and future realities.

VPNs, whether stand alone, or incorporated into another technology are great at securing data in transit.  What about your data at rest?  The best VPN in the world won’t protect you from someone who is determined to get in and steal your data or install ransomware.  The problem for SMEs is the same that it pretty much always has been.  Cost.  Can they afford a system that will protect their data and stop it being lost, stolen or ransomed. 

What has long been needed is a simple, flexible and intuitive security solution. We believe we have found such a system that protects your company against all known threats, and puts you firmly in control of your data, working automatically 24/7 to identify and safeguard your sensitive information.

Delivering multi-level protection, it provides real time control over all sensitive data. You can identify and solve every problem with a single click of your mouse!  Instead of whole disk encryption, which is decrypted as soon as you log on, it provides file level encryption which allows authorised users access but no one else.  But it does more, it locates all your data, allows you to decide what is, and what is not, sensitive, and provides subscription pricing for a fully managed solution. 

It’s a system that is designed specifically for SMEs and is therefore appropriate to you, and affordable.  To prove that we offer a 30-day free trial so that you can see it for yourself.  Check it out at https://hah2.co.uk/gdpr-data-protection/.

Ransomware and the risk to SMEs

There’s a lot of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt), going around about Ransomware, and it has to be said that a lot of it comes from cyber security companies.  But amongst the rocks there are some very real diamonds that need the publicity.  There is a very real difference between genuine information and propaganda.  I hope what I do is spread information. 

There is a prevailing feeling amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that they are not a desirable target for Ransomware and it’s therefore not a problem for them.  However, that’s simply not true and they are increasingly vulnerable to ransomware attacks, with recent trends showing a notable rise in these incidents among smaller businesses. Several factors influence the likelihood of SMEs being targeted:

  • Widespread Targeting: SMEs are often viewed as “soft targets” because they may lack the advanced cybersecurity defences of larger corporations. Attackers assume that smaller businesses may have fewer resources dedicated to security, making them easier to compromise.
  • Increasing Ransomware Attacks Overall: Ransomware attacks globally have been on the rise, and attackers have shifted their focus to include not only large enterprises but also smaller organisations across various sectors. This is often due to the lower cost of launching ransomware campaigns, allowing attackers to spread wide nets with mass phishing campaigns and automated attacks.
  • Financial and Operational Impact: Many SMEs are attractive to attackers because the disruption from ransomware can be financially devastating for them. SMEs may feel greater pressure to pay the ransom to restore operations quickly, fearing the loss of business or reputation if the downtime persists.
  • Underinvestment in Cybersecurity: SMEs often underinvest in cybersecurity due to budget constraints, lack of expertise, or other business priorities. This underinvestment can lead to outdated software, limited employee training on cybersecurity best practices, and weaker defences that attackers can exploit.

Likelihood and Statistics

  • High Likelihood: Studies show that more than half of SMEs have experienced a cyberattack in the last year, with ransomware being one of the most common types of attack.
  • Small Business Victimisation: According to a 2022 survey by the Cyber Readiness Institute, nearly 60% of small businesses were targeted by cyberattacks, and a significant portion of these involved ransomware.
  • Increasing Cost: For many SMEs, the average cost of a ransomware attack, including downtime, lost revenue, and recovery expenses, can be as high as £50 to a £100K, making the financial impact severe and sometimes unmanageable without external assistance.

Key Risk Factors for SMEs

  • Lack of Security Awareness and Training: Employees at SMEs may be less well trained on cybersecurity threats, increasing the risk of phishing and social engineering attacks that lead to ransomware.
  • Lack of Backup and Recovery Plans: SMEs may not have effective data backup or disaster recovery strategies, making them more susceptible to extended downtime or paying the ransom.
  • Weak Network and Endpoint Security: Limited resources often mean that SMEs may not have enterprise-grade firewalls, intrusion detection, or antivirus solutions, leaving systems exposed to exploitation. They also struggle with the distributed work practice (office, home etc) that has happened since COVID.
  • Encryption:  Data is often unencrypted on end point machines.

Reducing the Risk

While the risk is high, SMEs can take measures to reduce the likelihood and impact of a ransomware attack:

  • Implementing Regular Backups: Ensuring data backups are frequent, secured, and tested for restoration can significantly reduce the impact of an attack.
  • Employee Training: Conducting regular training to recognize phishing and social engineering can help employees avoid common attack vectors.
  • Monitoring: No or inadequate monitoring of their data and systems, including home and other remote workers.
  • Endpoint and Network Security: Investing in antivirus software, firewalls, and network monitoring can improve defences.
  • Cyber Insurance: Purchasing cyber insurance can help mitigate financial losses associated with an attack.
  • Data encryption.

In summary, while SMEs face a high likelihood of ransomware attacks, increasing awareness, preparation, and proactive defence measures can substantially reduce both the risk and the impact of an attack.

What is the impact of a Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware can have devastating effects on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Here are some of the key impacts:

Financial Losses

  • Ransom Payment: If SMEs decide to pay the ransom (which is not generally recommended), this can result in significant, sometimes crippling, costs.
  • Operational Downtime: Even if no ransom is paid, businesses often experience significant downtime as they attempt to recover systems, which can halt revenue generation and lead to lost sales.
  • Recovery Costs: In addition to the ransom, SMEs incur expenses related to data recovery, IT support, and forensic investigation. Often, additional security solutions are needed to prevent future attacks.

Loss of Data

  • Data Encryption or Destruction: Ransomware can lead to the permanent loss of critical data if files are corrupted or remain encrypted after an attack.
  • Loss of Sensitive Information: SMEs may lose access to sensitive customer or business data, leading to gaps in operational records or strategic plans.

Reputational Damage

  • Loss of Customer Trust: Ransomware attacks, especially if customer data is exposed or operations are disrupted, can damage customer confidence. Many SMEs rely on personal relationships, and a ransomware incident can harm these relationships.
  • Brand Damage: Businesses often struggle to rebuild trust, and reputation damage may deter new clients and weaken partnerships with vendors or other business partners.

Legal and Regulatory Consequences

  • Compliance Violations: If SMEs operate in regulated sectors (like finance, healthcare, or legal services), a data breach can lead to violations of regulations like GDPR, resulting in fines and other penalties.
  • Legal Liabilities: Affected customers or vendors may pursue legal action if sensitive data is compromised, adding further financial strain.

Operational Disruptions

  • Halting of Services: For many SMEs, especially those without a strong IT infrastructure, ransomware can paralyse day-to-day operations.
  • Long Recovery Times: SMEs often lack the same level of IT resources as larger enterprises, so restoring full operational capacity after an attack can take weeks or months.

Employee Productivity and Morale

  • Reduced Productivity: During and after a ransomware attack, employees may be unable to work if they lack access to necessary files, email, or software.
  • Psychological Impact: The stress and uncertainty from a cyberattack can lead to anxiety or frustration among employees, potentially impacting morale and retention.

Increased Insurance Costs

  • Higher Cyber Insurance Premiums: Cyber insurance costs tend to increase significantly for companies that have experienced ransomware attacks. Additionally, insurers may demand proof of enhanced security measures to continue providing coverage.

Pressure to Strengthen Cybersecurity Measures

  • Increased Security Costs: Post-incident, SMEs often must invest in more robust cybersecurity infrastructure, including advanced threat detection, backup solutions, and employee training.
  • Ongoing Monitoring Needs: Ransomware may prompt SMEs to adopt more rigorous monitoring and endpoint protection tools, leading to continuous IT spending.

Ransomware attacks can be particularly harmful to SMEs because they often have fewer resources for cybersecurity, and a single attack can have a prolonged impact. Many SMEs lack a full-time IT staff or robust data backup protocols, which can compound the impact. Consequently, proactive measures, such as employee training, regular data backups, and up-to-date cybersecurity defences, are critical to reducing the likelihood and impact of ransomware attacks on SMEs.

What Do SME Owners and Directors Want From Cyber Security?

I wrote a post earlier this week exploring what SME owners and directors really care about when it comes to cyber security! Do they really care about the how the latest technological solutions work? Do they really care about the scare stories, or at least, do they really think that they apply to them. Oh, they might have a sneaky suspicion that it could be a problem but is it on their mind enough for them to do something about it.

The argument was made that this is especially true in an economic downturn when they are focused on costs, even more than they normally are. They want robust cyber security solutions that don’t cost an arm and a leg.  And what they don’t want is jargon and tech speak that they feel is aimed at bamboozling them with science in order to convince them they should buy something that they don’t actually need. 

We are believers that what is needed is simplicity. SMEs are looking for user-friendly security measures that don’t require a PhD in Cyber Science. They don’t want jargon or even industry metrics. Remember the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid.

Of course they are going to have a focus, and you need to understand what is important to them and what isn’t. That will depend on the nature of their business to a great extent. Whilst there are commonalities regardless of the vertical they work in, there will always be differences, some big, some more subtle, that will impact any cyber security solutioning.

Nowadays many SMEs are increasingly aware of cybersecurity risks, but a significant number still underestimate the importance of cybersecurity risk management. SMEs often face unique challenges in this area due to limited resources, competing priorities, and often a lack of expertise not just in their organisation but also in the IT support company’s they use. Here are some insights into the current landscape:

  • Growing Awareness: SMEs have started to recognise that they are just as likely to be targeted by cyber threats as larger companies, partly due to high-profile ransomware attacks and data breaches affecting businesses of all sizes. As a result, awareness is rising, especially as more businesses transition to digital platforms and remote work, which increases exposure to cyber risks.
  • Resource Constraints: For many SMEs, the cost of robust cybersecurity measures can be prohibitive. They often lack dedicated IT and cybersecurity teams, which makes it challenging to implement and maintain comprehensive security protocols. Cybersecurity solutions can be expensive, so SMEs may prioritise short-term operational needs over what they might perceive as longer-term security investments.
  • Risk Perception and Underestimation: Some SMEs mistakenly believe they are too small to be targeted by cybercriminals, assuming that attackers primarily focus on large corporations. However, this “security by obscurity” mindset has been proven false, as attackers often view SMEs as easier targets due to their weaker defences.
  • Impact of a Breach on SMEs: Unlike larger companies, SMEs are less likely to recover from a significant cyber incident. A data breach or ransomware attack can be devastating, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and even closure. Despite this, many SMEs may not fully understand the potential scale of these consequences.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Pressure: With increasing data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, PCI), SMEs are under more pressure to adopt better cybersecurity practices to remain compliant. This has led to greater awareness among some SMEs, especially those handling sensitive data like healthcare, finance, or customer and payment information.
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training and Culture: Even when SMEs implement some cybersecurity measures, they may lack the necessary employee training and risk management practices that foster a security-focused culture. Human error remains a leading cause of data breaches, so SMEs need to prioritize employee awareness and training.

In summary, while awareness of cybersecurity risk management is growing among SMEs, gaps remain, particularly around adequate investment, robust risk perception, and ongoing management of cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity can seem overwhelming for small businesses, but as the digital landscape continues to evolve, understanding and addressing these risks is becoming essential for SME survival and growth.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Did you know that October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month?  No – not terribly surprised after the poll we put out asking how important this subject was.  The response was truly frightening.  Cybersecurity Awareness month has participants in many countries and sponsored by many governments and tries to push awareness of the importance of this subject, across all industries.

Why do we think it’s so important?  Why would an SME bother with it?  Well, in short, it’s probably the single most cost effective and quickest win you can make.  It really doesn’t have to cost a fortune, it’s not techie if done right, is educational and it beefs up your security by ensuring your staff can spot a scam when they see one, can recognise social engineering and how to counter it, won’t open a rogue email and it generally keeps the subject in the forefront of minds.

OK, but what’s the threat?  Do hackers/scammers prey on SMEs?  Is there sufficient financial reward there for them?  Yes, yes and again yes.  The UK GDP is made up of north of 90% from SMEs.  Just think about that – 90% of the countries wealth is generated by SMEs, so a huge financial target.  The big companies spend a fortune on cyber security protections.  Most spend up to 15% of their annual IT budget on security and when you think that the IT budget often runs into millions, that’s big bucks.  SMEs can’t afford that and that makes them a much easier target.

I wrote a blog recently about the findings of the 2024 cyber security breaches survey.  The report tells us that among businesses, there has been a shift in the proportion saying cyber security is a “fairly” high priority (e.g. from 35% of businesses last year, to 40% this year). The proportions of businesses saying it is a very high priority is consistent with last year (36% last year and 35% this year). In 2023, as evidenced by the qualitative interviews, it was felt that cyber security had moved down the agenda among the businesses where it was already seen as a more marginal priority, and among businesses that typically have the fewest resources to deploy. The qualitative findings this year point towards an increased awareness of the risks that are faced when not prioritising cyber security, which could explain the increase in businesses this year rating it as a high priority.

It is more common for larger businesses to say that cyber security is a high priority (93% of medium businesses and 98% of large businesses, vs. 75% overall). The same is true for high-income charities (93% of those with income of £500,000 or more, vs. 63% overall). This continues the pattern seen since 2020, where larger organisations tend to treat cyber security more seriously, and consequently allocate more resources to it.

Businesses in the following sectors tend to treat cyber security as a higher priority than others:

  • information and communications (65% a “very” high priority)
  • finance and insurance (61% say it is a “very” high priority)
  • health, social care and social work (62% a “very” high priority).

These percentages are still very low and amongst this, if we drill down, we will find that the prevailing answer amongst SMEs remains to reach for technology for protection.  Technology will help, but it isn’t the full answer. When faced with constraints such as a tight budget it’s essential that a business prioritises its spend, making sure that it is targeting what really needs protection, and making sure that the protections in place are actually doing what you think they’re doing.  That is essentially what we refer to in regard to risk management.  It’s a business issue, not an IT issue.

In the 2024 survey, half of businesses and around a third of charities report having experienced some kind of cyber security breach or attack in the last 12 months. As in previous years, larger businesses and charities are more likely to identify breaches or attacks than smaller ones.  This latter point is worth mentioning because it’s generally only the larger businesses that have some kind of monitoring in place to identify an attack and many smaller businesses only find out when they start losing money.

Of course, good old COVID has had its effect, and I know we still bang on about it but that’s because its effect is long term.  It has changed our working practices in many respects although there is more of a move towards a return to the workplace currently, but some businesses have embraced the hybrid working practice and look unlikely to change.  My own client base has only seen one client move to 100% remote working, but they are all working some form of hybrid working pattern.

Many corporates have had some form of hybrid working for a long time, pre-COVID.  When I was at HP and before that in Symantec, we worked the hot desk system with people working remotely a couple of days a week.  It’s not new at that level but it is at the SME level, and we need more sophisticated ways of protecting ourselves at a price we can afford.  And that’s been the focus for us, and we are now confident that we have solutions that fit an SMEs requirement, at a price they can afford.

Can Remote Working be Dangerous?

Well frankly, yes it can be dangerous.  There is a myriad of issues which have sprung out of remote working since COVID, with many SMEs, now operating a hybrid working scenario, although in my experience, certainly amongst my customer base, there are very few going 100% remote.

Businesses of all sizes have been forced to transform their operations to support remote work and by and large have done well, but not without many challenges—including video conferencing burn out, (along with wishing they’d taken out shares in Zoom!!), and a yearning to work together in person again, someday.  We all realise that group working, face to face, is often necessary not just for efficiency, but because we are social animals.  Experience has taught many businesses many things, but strangely, to my mind at least, many have simply not grasped the potentially dire consequences in terms of cyber security and data protection.

A distributed work environment i.e., personnel spread around various locations, office, home working, even the local coffee shop, creates critical challenges and new security threats as a result.  The speed with which this has happened has meant that many simply did not take this into account and if they did, thought, well, this is temporary, and it won’t matter in the long run.  Well perhaps, but as many are now finding, there have been advantages to home working, not least a lowering of costs in terms of how much office space is needed to carry out the business function.  Many are now looking at Hybrid working i.e., from home with a day or two in the office during the week.  There are pros and cons to this outside of the scope of this article, and businesses will have to make their own judgements, but one thing is clear and that is that businesses need to understand the risks now inherent in distributed work and need to get better at cyber security and data protection, in those environments.

Employees when remote working, are at much greater risk than those in offices. Since home connections are less secure, cybercriminals have an easier entry into the company network.  Furthermore, the explosion of various online tools, solutions, and services for collaboration and productivity tend to have the bare minimum of security default setting, and updates from third-party vendors can change security preferences and be easily overlooked.

Phishing becomes an even greater threat to home workers simply because, in an office environment, they have access to colleagues and managers, who they can approach for advice and guidance.  This is much harder to replicate with remote workers, especially those who may not be particularly tech savvy and who may not wish to become ‘burdensome’ to their co-workers.

Ransomware also enjoys an advantage in the remote working model.  If their connection to the company is blocked, it is more difficult for workers to get assistance from the right experts and authorities.  And since trust levels are lower when working from home, some workers will be concerned that they have “done something wrong” and so may be more reluctant to seek help. While this risk can be addressed by increased training, as well as messaging that vigilance and involving corporate IT will be rewarded, it can still be an uphill battle.

One of the biggest dangers I still see day to day is the dangers inherent in working from the local coffee shop.  This is a subject that I tend to jump on every so often, because it’s one that people just don’t seem to get.  Whenever I drop into a coffee shop for my caffeine infusion, there are usually at least a couple of people with their laptops open, working away on business issues.  I could see open spreadsheets (and easy to read if you were sitting behind them), and all have their email open.  They are often on a video call, and I can often hear all their side of the conversation, annoying enough for other café users but they are oblivious of the data being released into the wild.

If you are among those free Wi-Fi lovers, there’s bad news for you… your online privacy and security is at risk, if you rely on the weak to non-existent Wi-Fi security protocolsat coffee shops.  This means that you could be exposed to various threats such as identity theft which has over 15 million cases each year, data theft/breaches, introducing malware to your business network and that of your customers/suppliers.  This list is not exhaustive.

Free or public Wi-Fi’s are hotspots for hackers and data snoopers who want to steal your private data or financial information. It is easy for hackers to do that nowadays. You will be surprised to know the different ways hackers can compromise your device or your private information and why you shouldn’t rely on Wi-Fi security at coffee shops as they come with a lot of risk.

  • Unencrypted Data Exposure: If the Wi-Fi network is not encrypted, your sensitive information (e.g., passwords, emails, and financial data) can be intercepted by hackers using packet-sniffing tools.
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Hackers can position themselves between you and the network, intercepting and potentially altering the communication between your device and the server, leading to data theft or manipulation.
  • Fake Hotspots (Evil Twin Attacks): Cybercriminals may create a rogue Wi-Fi network that mimics the coffee shop’s legitimate network. If you connect to it, they can access all the data transmitted over the connection.
  • Malware Injection: Open networks can allow hackers to inject malware or viruses onto your device, which can lead to long-term breaches of your data or systems.
  • Session Hijacking: Attackers can intercept your session cookies, giving them access to your accounts, even if you’re using secure websites.
  • To mitigate these risks, use a VPN, avoid sensitive transactions, and ensure your firewall and antivirus software are active.  Although a VPN may not save your data if it’s stored on your laptop.

We are huge supporters of Cyber Awareness training for managers and staff, arguing that this is no longer a ‘nice to have’ and is now very much a necessity.  In fact, it is arguably the biggest quick win, giving the greatest potential return on investment that there is.  Of course, this means that companies must understand what their threats, vulnerabilities and risks are, to assess exactly what training is going to be the most effective.

But that alone won’t save you from a dedicated hacker.  We need to look at some more technical solutions to help you beat attacks.  Here at H2 we have researched and developed services using Software as a Service (SaaS), which, being cloud based, work wherever you are, office, home or coffee shop, and encrypts your most sensitive data whether on your machine, or in transit. 

If you feel a no obligation chat about this would be helpful, give us a call.

Another Rant about Cyber Awareness Training

I make no apologies for having another rant about this subject, because it’s so important and easy to do.  Recently I put up a poll on LinkedIn asking about how important it was felt that cyber awareness training was.  The poll got a lot of views but very little interaction, which is very disappointing.  It tells me that either people out there have little interest in it, don’t consider it a priority, or even a necessity, or don’t understand it’s importance to the safety of their systems, data and staff.

Very simply put Cyber Awareness Training is the quickest and cheapest win you can make in the fight against the cyber-criminal.

Cyber awareness training is an essential component of modern organisational security strategies. It equips employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognise, respond to, and mitigate cyber threats. Let’s look at some key advantages of implementing cyber awareness training:

1. Enhanced Security Posture: Employees who are educated about cyber threats can identify potential risks and take proactive measures to protect sensitive information. This collective vigilance strengthens the overall security framework of the organisation.

 2. Reduction in Human Error: Many cyber incidents stem from human mistakes, such as falling for phishing scams or mishandling sensitive data. Cyber awareness training helps mitigate these errors by teaching employees how to recognise red flags and adhere to best practices.

3. Improved Incident Response: Training empowers employees to respond effectively to security incidents. By understanding protocols and reporting procedures, they can act swiftly in the event of a breach, minimising potential damage.

4. Cultivation of a Security Culture: Regular training fosters a culture of security within the organisation. When employees prioritise cybersecurity in their daily activities, it becomes an integral part of the organisational ethos, enhancing overall resilience.

 5. Compliance with Regulations: Many industries face stringent regulatory requirements regarding data protection and cybersecurity. Cyber awareness training helps organisations comply with these regulations, reducing the risk of legal penalties and reputational damage.

6. Increased Employee Confidence: Knowledgeable employees are more confident in their ability to navigate the digital landscape safely. This confidence can lead to greater engagement and a more proactive approach to cybersecurity.

7. Cost Savings: By preventing cyber incidents through effective training, organisations can save significant costs associated with data breaches, including legal fees, recovery expenses, and loss of business reputation.

8. Adaptability to Emerging Threats: The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving. Cyber awareness training keeps employees informed about the latest threats and trends, ensuring they can adapt their behaviours accordingly.

9. Strengthened Team Collaboration: A shared understanding of cybersecurity risks encourages collaboration among teams. Employees are more likely to communicate about potential threats and share knowledge on best practices, leading to a more cohesive defence strategy.

10. Customer Trust: Organisations that prioritise cybersecurity demonstrate their commitment to protecting customer data. This commitment builds trust with clients and partners, which is crucial for maintaining long-term relationships in today’s digital economy. In summary, cyber awareness training is a vital investment for organisations looking to enhance their cybersecurity defences. By equipping employees with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and respond to threats, organisations not only protect their assets but also foster a culture of security that benefits everyone involved.

And the reality is that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  It can in fact be done very cost effectively, in such a way that it doesn’t require staff to spend time in the classroom by automating the courses and having them delivered online, allowing staff to carry it out in their own time. 

Is Cyber Security about Tech or the Business?

It’s simply a fact that many owners, managers, directors etc, believe that cyber security is a technology issue and is best left to those guys in IT who understand that stuff.  Here at H2 we spend a lot of time and effort trying to educate C level people, that it really is a business issue, although it has significant input from the techies.  It’s a business issue because breaches can have a significant financial and reputational impact.  It’s also an IT issue because it involves implementing technical measures to protect systems and data.  Effective cyber security requires a collaboration between business leaders and IT professionals to address both the strategic and technical aspects of security.

The crux of the issue though, is that it must be led by the business, and at board level.  It requires a strategy to be followed, which is laid down at board level and which is focused on the goals and aspirations of the business, especially when your IT is outsourced.  You can outsource your IT, but you can’t outsource your responsibility.

A valid argument is that the proliferation of security tools creates an illusion of safety.  Organisations, large and small, often believe that by deploying a firewall, antivirus software and maybe some other tools, such as intrusion detection systems, they are adequately protected.  This ignores the fact that such tools are controls put in place to mitigate risks identified and qualified in terms of importance, in a risk assessment and unless the benefits they bring are properly identified, and the solutions placed and configured correctly, they may well not be doing what you think they are doing.  This thinking can also introduce significant third-party risks into your domain.  The most recent example of this is the CrowdStrike issue which caused so much chaos throughout the globe.

To be fair to most companies in the smaller and mid-market arenas, their focus is on obtaining IT solutions as cost effectively as possible, and with the minimum of support costs.  Cost control is vital to most.  This means that they are extremely reluctant to spend money on what they see as not being part of their core business.  Of course, if they get a cyber-attack or scam, or worse a data breach attracting the attention of the ICO, then their costs trying to fix the issue can easily outstrip any costs in prevention.  Unless they have a well thought out risk managed strategy, they are wide open to slick sales pitches which push products.  The rub is that in order to have that well thought out strategy, it means spending on what they see as expensive services that can seem somewhat nebulous, not something they can see and feel, and there is that vague feeling that they are being led to do something that really isn’t all that important.

The approach most take is to trust their IT provider to give them the protections they need.  Most of these IT providers are what is known as re-sellers, ie they sell other people’s products and will push those products because that’s their business model.  What they won’t do is take a risk managed approach which is essential in ensuring that any limited spend on security, limited because of cost constraints, is targeted where it’s needed and will be most effective.  In other words, the technological approach taken by most IT support company’s will do half a job at best.

In essence then, if you don’t understand the risks you face, how can ensure that your cyber security strategy and protections are fit for purpose?  Risk management is all about helping us to create plans for our future in a deliberate and responsible way. This requires us to explore what could go wrong in an organisation, on a day-to-day basis.

A quote from Bruce Schneier, Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, goes like this:

If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t understand the technology’. 

How do we approach this then?  First and foremost, you need to identify the risks that you face. How can you identify that risk and then mitigate it?  Taking risks is a part of business.  You assess risk every day when doing business.  Do you want to do this deal?  What happens if it goes not as expected?  Do I want to take this person on?  Whether you formally undertake a risk assessment or whether you assess that risk informally, you are working out what is appropriate to a level that is consistent with the risk that your organisation is prepared to take.  Failure to do that will almost certainly be damaging to your business, perhaps fatally so. 

The difference between assessing day to day business risk and assessing risk to cyber assets, is one of understanding.  What is a cyber asset?  In this context insert the word ‘information’ instead of cyber.  It is the information contained within the IT system that is the important asset, not the piece of hardware it is sitting on.  You understand your business risk, after all it is your business, but do you understand information risk?  Do you have a clear idea of what information assets you have and where they are?  Before you answer that think it through.  Do you really know where all the data is?  OK, you know that you have a server or servers probably in a cloud somewhere (cloud storage and access is a whole other subject) and that somewhere in those servers there is a bunch of data which runs your business.  How much of that data has been saved onto staff workstations when they needed it to carry out some work?  How much has been copied off somewhere else for what was probably a very good reason at one point?  How well is your firewall functioning?  Can malware work its way onto the network because the firewall does not have Universal Threat Management installed and can therefore be probing the servers and workstations.  And we haven’t even thought about changes in working patterns.  How many of your staff now work remotely some or all of the time.  I could go on.

How can we be sure where all this information is and how important each bit is to the business?  How can we assess this risk to the business, if information is lost or otherwise compromised?  What about ransomware, phishing scams etc?  The good news is that some of this can now be automated and managed for you at an affordable price and you can even arrange a 14 day totally free trial to assess its effectiveness.

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